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Starter: Basic Literals / Operations

Starter Repository:

This is a starter project for Language Architect and Runtime Framework (LAF). It contains a basic set of configured types as well as a runner and gradle project in order to get started quickly. This can then be used as a base for how you'd like to configure your project, whether that's typed or typeless, use code-blocks or whitespace indentation or have an alternative notation type.

Building the project


This project uses a 3rd party tool (Shadow JAR) to ensure that the Jar can be independently run.

To build the project ensure you have gradle and at least Java 8+ installed. Run the command:

gradle clean shadowJar

This will create the projects JAR within the ./build/libs folder.

Using the Languages Runner

Once the project has been built, to run the included runner class type the following:

java -jar ./build/libs/larf-starter-0.1-all.jar

You will then be presented with the following:

Starter Language Test Utility

Verifying the basic types

The basic set of literal types can be found in the tokens/literal package. These are configured in the StarterConfig which is found in the config package. To test that the basic types are loaded, we can do the following:

Starter Language Test Utility
Result: 1.5 (Type: BigDecimal, Time taken: 14ms)
Result: 1.5 (Type: Float, Time taken: 2ms)
Result: 123456789 (Type: Long, Time taken: 5ms)
Result: 12 (Type: Integer, Time taken: 1ms)
Result: true (Type: Boolean, Time taken: 2ms)
Result: hello (Type: String, Time taken: 1ms)
Result: hello (Type: String, Time taken: 1ms)

To exit the runner, simply type exit.